After discussion with Deacons this morning, we decided, because of the Wisconsin Supreme Court decision yesterday, to open the building for service this Sunday. However, although it is legal to act as though nothing has changed from pre-Covid days, it is not wise. So we are holding service with the following guidelines:
1. We will remove every other row of chairs from the sanctuary and put them (appropriately spaced) in the foyer.
2. We ask that households sit in the same row, and that six feet of separation be maintained between people of different households sitting in the same row.
3. We ask that people voluntarily refrain from hugging and shaking hands.
4. We ask that people voluntarily mask, not for their own safety but for the safety of others.
5. If you have a cough, colds, or fever or other COVID 19 symptoms, please stay home!!!! You can worship with us via live-stream.
6. We encourage anyone who is identified as ‘high risk’ (age, immunocompromised, history of respiratory illnesses, diabetes etc) to stay home and worship with us via live-stream.
7. Kid’s Ministry will not be held this week. We’ll be looking at how we can safely conduct Sunday Kid’s Ministry in coming days.
8. We will continue to live-stream on You Tube for those who prefer to stay home for health reasons, can not attend because of illness or schedule, or are high risk and should not attend.
Since Sunday is also the annual church meeting, we will have the option of attending in person (social distancing will be maintained) or via Zoom as we had planned prior to the restrictions being lifted.
May God Bless Each of you, May His love surround you and His Spirit keep you from harm
Pastor Ken